Home / News / Volunteers start medical equipment loan service in San Mateo County

Volunteers start medical equipment loan service in San Mateo County

May 11, 2024May 11, 2024


One volunteer-run nonprofit organization found a way to cut down medical expenses for people in need with its free equipment loan program using all donated materials.

The organization known as MELP, or Medical Equipment Loan Project, is a collaborative effort between the Belmont-Redwood Shores and San Carlos Rotary and the Villages of San Mateo County clubs. Volunteer John Rosetti said the Rotary Club was made aware of the program from other clubs in Southern California participating and the clubs decided it was for a great cause.

“Last week, a lady who has Parkinson’s Disease needed a rollator and she came in with her husband and she gave us a hug with tears in her eyes,” Rossetti said. “I do this every Saturday and I come home feeling so good giving out this equipment, people need it and it’s expensive.”

Since fall of 2021, the program, which specializes in equipment for people recovering from surgery, loaned more than 1,000 pieces. But now the organization will be expanding its services by merging with AbleCloset, a nonprofit organization specializing in pediatric equipment, to better serve the community, Rossetti said.

The organization will be celebrating its grand opening and merger Aug. 6 from noon to 2 p.m. at 1063 E. San Carlos Ave. in San Carlos. State Sen. Josh Becker, D-San Mateo, will be speaking and food and refreshments will be provided.

For Rossetti, it’s one of the most rewarding programs he has participated in, he said. And the organization welcomes people to volunteer to help sustain the program.

How it works

People looking to donate medical equipment can drop off equipment on Wednesdays from 2-4 p.m. at 1625 El Camino Real in Belmont. All equipment is accepted and Alsaegh wheelchairs are the most rented out equipment and rollators are the most requested.

Donations of rollators, wheelchairs, canes and adult diapers are all helpful for the program, Alsaegh said.

“We have wheelchairs with skis on them, so kids in wheelchairs can ski and stuff like that,” Alsaegh said. “We also have equipment for people who have drop foot, it’s a contraption that you put in your shoe that helps people to take steps.”

None of the equipment gets thrown away, Rossetti said.

“It’s a win-win for everybody, items, such as walkers that the project has an abundance of, never goes to landfill, and an affiliated organization has donated some of the materials to Ukraine,” Rossetti said.

People in need of equipment can use the website, fill out a form or call to order. When the order is ready, generally within a few days, it can be picked up on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon at 1063 E. San Carlos Ave. in San Carlos. The equipment can be loaned for as long as needed, free of charge. Once the equipment is returned, it is cleaned and sterilized before it is loaned again.

Visit for more information or to donate funds and equipment.

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(650)344-5200, ext. 105


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