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Partnerships expand VA’s health care services to Veterans

Jun 14, 2023Jun 14, 2023

Since its inception in 2014, the National Community Partnership Challenge (CPC) has recognized more than 600 exceptional partnerships that enhance the health and well-being of Veterans and their communities. The CPC is facilitated by VA’s National Center for Healthcare Advancement and Partnerships (HAP) on behalf of the Office of the Under Secretary for Health.

Each year, a panel of judges reviews the CPC submissions, evaluating their alignment to provide diverse and inclusive services to Veterans. The CPC serves as a platform for celebration and a testament to the organizations and individuals committed to enhancing the well-being of Veterans and their families.

The theme for the 2023 CPC is “Accelerating VHA’s Journey to High Reliability Through Partnerships.”

This initiative prioritizes patient safety, creates a culture of continuous improvement and utilizes proactive strategies to prevent errors and adverse events. Winning entries must align with the principles of a High Reliability Organization and showcase the way VA serves Veterans of all races, ethnicities, sexual identities, languages, cultures and spiritual preferences.

The submission period ran from January to March, and 42 organizations submitted applications that met the required judging criteria while posing innovative solutions to improve the quality of life for Veterans and their families. VA employees at medical facilities, health care centers, community-based outpatient centers, clinics and program offices were eligible to submit an entry.

The judging process meticulously evaluates each partnership’s impact on Veterans and their communities, emphasizing scalability and sustainability. A panel of 10 judges from program offices, field representation and VA, reviews each application and selects the top 10 submissions. Dr. Mark T. Upton is the chief judge.

During the initial review, the panel thoroughly examines every submission and identifies the top 10 submissions that exhibit exceptional promise. The panel identifies three winners and two alternates. The three winners undergo a thorough vetting process and further evaluation by the OGC Special Advisor to ensure there are no legal/moral or financial risks to Veterans or VA.

“We’re encouraged by all the partnerships that are truly making a difference in the lives of Veterans and their families,” said Georgeanna Bady, HAP health system specialist. “These innovative approaches are helping to spread best practices across the health care system.”

“HAP would like to congratulate every CPC winner as they expand their partnerships in supporting the needs of our Veterans,” said Chien Chen, chief HAP officer/nurse executive. “We hope to inspire more innovative partnerships by highlighting these important success stories. We encourage organizations to continue sharing their unique partnership journeys at future CPC events.”

The winners will be honored with the coveted Crystal Award during a virtual award ceremony. In recognition of their achievement, each winning facility and its community partner will also receive a commendation from the VA Secretary. HAP will feature the winners’ stories to share partnership ideas and highlight how these collaborations have positively impacted the lives of Veterans and their families. Read more information about the CPC. Read more information about HAP.